Info: The skill deals two hits, initial connection damage and splash damage. Skill Mastery: (5SP) 532% initial magic damage, 532% magic splash damage All enemies affected by the explosion will get knocked down and receive high damage. Skill Description: Shoots a missile that explodes with a high splash damage when it hits a certain enemy. Skill Mastery: (3SP) 328% magic damage (charged), 150% magic damage (non-charged) Releasing the hotkey fires an electronball from your hand. Skill Description: Holding the skill's hotkey charges the electronball increasing its magic damage, range, and size. MP Usage: 30 MP (charged), 15 MP (non-charged) It is extremely useful for charging your Awakening bar, and deals high magic DoT (damage over time) as you attack. Info: This skill can be used as a 'combo continuer' to prevent knocking down an enemy, before the final hit in '►►ZZZ' for instance. Prerequisites: 40SP invested in skill tree Skill Mastery: (5SP) 200% initial magic damage, 30% magic damage (2 hits per second) (It is a special skill that needs to be unlocked.) It lasts for 20 seconds and is a magical skill. Skill Description: Summons particles of metal dust to revolve around you as a shield and enemies will continue to take damage if the character stands next to them during the effect. Info: Exotics do not have any physical type moves, so most generally avoid learning this skill completely. Prerequisites: 55SP invested in skill tree, Mental Strength (5SP) Skill Mastery: (3SP) For 10 seconds your physical attack power is increased by 40%. Skill Description: For 10 seconds your physical attack power is increased drastically. Skill Name: Physical Attack Advanced Buff Since all Exotic skills are magical, this skill is recommended to be mastered. Info: This skill is usually used before a high damaging attack skill, greatly raising the attack power for a low cost of MP. Prerequisites: 55SP invested in skill tree, Magic Attack Advanced Passive (5SP) Skill Mastery: (4SP) For 10 seconds your magic attack power is increased by 45%. Skill Description: For 10 seconds your magic attack power is increased drastically. Info: This passive will make Eve's most used combo, 'ZZZ►►▲Z (repeat)', easier to execute when stacked with max movement and jump speed. Prerequisites: 60SP invested in skill tree Skill Mastery: (5SP) Increases your movement and jump speed by 5% each. Skill Description: Increases your movement and jump speed. This skill is a prerequisite for Physical Attack Advanced Buff. Info: This passive is quite important for Eve's most used combo, 'ZZZ►►▲Z (repeat)'. Prerequisites: 55SP invested in skill tree Skill Mastery: (5SP) Focuses 5% of your magic power to also increase your physical power. Skill Description: Focuses some of your magic power to also increase your physical power. It would be worth investing in this skill rather than mastering the party buffs, if you were to get more than one. Info: Excellent for Exotic builds that include party buffs. Skill Mastery: (5SP) All Party Buff duration times increase by 10 seconds, and consume 30% less MP to cast. Skill Description: All Party Buff duration times increase, and consume less MP to cast. This skill is a prerequisite for Magic Attack Advanced Buff. It will increase the damage of your spikes, and all your Exotic skills. Prerequisites: 45SP invested in skill tree Skill Mastery: (5SP) Increases your base magic attack power by 150. Skill Description: Increases your base magic attack power. Skill Name: Magic Attack Advanced Passive In such a situation, it would deal the highest amount of DPS (damage per second). This combo is generally used against stoic, immobile enemies, like golems and generators. It is usually used as a finisher, since it knocks down the enemy. '►►▲Z' and '►►XZ' both work.Įxotic's strongest magic damage combo. To prevent the enemy from getting knocked down from 'ZZZ▼ZZ', you need to hit the enemy at least once in the air when they are launched. Players with higher attack speed can utilize the 'ZZZ►►▲Z (repeat)' combo instead. It is normally used for safety, but is recommended for new players with low attack speed stats. Stopping before the last hit prevents the player from launching the enemy. One of the most common combos for Exotics is 'ZZZ▼Z► (repeat)', otherwise known as Exotic's "lazy combo". Code Exotic depends on her gears and ancient Nasod weapons to attack in her battles.