Typically, 70% of the fermentation activity will occur during this 5 to 7 day period. You should start to see some foaming activity within 24 hours of adding the wine yeast. Allow this mixture (must) to ferment for 5 to 7 days. Sprinkle the wine yeast over the surface of the juice and then cover with a thin, clean towel.During the 24 hours the gas leaves the container making it safe to add the wine yeast. During this waiting period the Campden Tablets are sterilizing the juice with a mild sulfur gas. Cover the fermenter with a thin, clean towel and wait 24 hours.Adding the wine yeast at the same time you add the Campden Tablets will only result in destroying the yeast. Do not add the wine yeast at this point in the process. Add water to equal the batch to 5 gallons. Collect any pulp in a fermentation bag and submerge the bag into the wine making mixture. Stir together all of the wine making ingredients called for, EXCEPT for the Wine Yeast, into a primary fermenter.

Doing so will cause too much bitterness from the skin and seeds of the produce to be incorporated into the resulting wine. Food processors, blenders and such should not be used for this purpose. It is important to understand that you can over-process the produce.
10 Campden Tablets (5 prior to fermentation and 5 at bottling time)ĭirections for Concord Grape Full Bodied Wine Recipe.(Makes 5 Gallons) Ingredients for Concord Grape Full Bodied Wine Recipe