
Northville schools webdrive
Northville schools webdrive

northville schools webdrive northville schools webdrive

This may indicate that the area has a lower level of poverty than the state average.


The percentage of Northville Elementary School students on free and reduced lunch assistance (50.0&percnt ) is slightly lower than the state average of 53.2&percnt.

northville schools webdrive

As a Board Member, I will be accountable to the district and the community in our pursuit of academic excellence balanced with financial security. Out of 2,554 ranked schools in New York, Northville Elementary School is ranked 1,962nd for total students on lunch assistance. A strong and sustainable public school system is a cornerstone that attracts new families to Northville. As a community member of the 2017 Bond Advocacy team and the Sinking Fund Millage Committee in 2020, I worked with the group to successfully pass both measures. As a member of the Board of Education I will strive to represent all the diverse voices of our student population.Īs an elected School Board Trustee, I would build on my commitment to be a steward of our school district’s resources. I have been a representative for all Northville students when meeting with our elected officials in Lansing and called for an increase in our per pupil funding. As a member of PTA leadership, it has become my responsibility to advocate not just for my own child but for yours as well. I will bring this experience in collaboration to the Board of Education by listening to the needs of parents, teachers and students in the Northville community.Īs an active member in the Northville Parent Teacher Association, I take the National PTA motto to heart, “Every Child, One Voice.” As parents we must advocate for our own children. The experience I gained as a Peace Corps Volunteer has taught me the importance of asking questions and meeting people where they stand. Through my work with The Carter Center’s Global 2000 initiative, I worked with officials at the village, local and country government level. I tailored my project ideas to fit their needs and expectations.


In the Peace Corps I learned how to collaborate with the elders of my village to identify the specific needs of my new community. That commitment to service has taken different forms throughout my life: first as a Peace Corps Volunteer, then as a leader in Northville PTA, and now as I look forward to holding the position of School Board Trustee. At a young age growing up in a military family, I learned the value of service to country and community. I am Melissa Stuart and am proud to run for the Northville School Board in November.

Northville schools webdrive